As the title goes the journey begins, firstly I would love to thank God that am coming after what I love doing which is to create a social impact to people out there who seldmley give up on gift of life and turn it to a curse and make it seem a burden. By choosing to be blind themselves on how beautiful and wonderful life can be. people keep telling one sided stories of their lives and start drawing conclusion on how wether their life’ is ” bad or good”. About myself, personely I have come to learn that i admire and enjoy creating social impact to people out their who literally seem to have less control on their lives, to people out there who feel like their life a hard puzzle which can’t be put together. To me by doing anything that can add a plus to myself and anyone else out there, thats all that matters,That is what truly puts a big smile on my face, And  precisely this is what life should be about. because that is sort of law of nature, that nothing lives independently apart from God. And as long as we simply go for that one thing that we like, thats when we shall realize more things that we can do with our lives and will shall never stay the same, life won’t seem as aburden or curse at any one point, work will feel like leisure and giving will fell like getting and indeed it is.And so dear readers out there, I would love to inform that this is my first blog post, the first step that I can make within my means to put a stone to this world, and you too can find a purpose with your life.

so to the folks out there who feel that their lives are empty, asking themselves who they are, and what have done in your life? the answer is just simple, just start by dreaming  and imagining  living to your full potential, living creatively and not passively. it is a mistake to think that time has gone and it too late for you to do anything, time is infinite. time is here till the world ends. it is you that is going to die at some point and so you don’t waste time but instead its yourself that you wasting, so make better use of it. And one of the worst thing is comparing yourself with others, I call it keeping up with the “johns”, look, the cow feeds on grass and gets healthy but if a dog eats it, it can even die. so never never judge yourself by looking at others, if they number one that doesn’t make you zero.

so commerades, it is your chance to begin fresh journey in your life, open a new page and turn your life a round. therefore the question would be, where do you start  from? the answer is very simple just by dreaming big and living creatively. because thats totally free and just simple, imagination takes places, lightens your sprit and eventually makes what you what become “as man thinkekth so he is”. finally I would to express my gratitude to those who have read till the end, and I would like to promise you we are taking this fresh knew start together through my following blog posts, till next time.


what have you gained from this corona pandemic crisis?

IMG_8DC3AD76AC54-1As we all know this is quite trying and challenging time for all of us, and there are a lot of horrible and terrifying stories out their that have not been told, but I hope and pray that we come out of this situation strong than ever before. Domestic violence, deaths, family break ups, depression name it, have been encountered in people’s lives.

However I think this is not totally a new kind of situation that has happened to us. often times, we face at least one or more of such situation in our daily lives that are  challenging, trying whereby we either come out of the situation strong than ever before or it breaks us  into pieces, makes vulnerable or even loose control of over our lives.

And this time around, thats why I would like us navigate what we can gain from any kind of crisis most especially this pandemic covid_19? yeah you are right, there are a lot of things that we don’t have access to with this whole lock down thing and we have no control over it and most of us think there’s nothing that can come out from such situation the way most of us think when faced with challenging situation. But however the good news is there are quite a lot of things we can gain from this situation. firstly they are that we can to get rid of which most of the times they hider us from gaining the best out of our lives. one , we may not gain necessarily as for the material things but we learn things that we translate or relate to after this pandemic. for example, the things we can loose or do and instead come out of this crisis as strong than never before. one we can loose, Anger, Anxiety, depression, insecurity, Fear the things that we are overwhelmed  with during this period and we can entirely take control over them. The brain is the greatest weapon that God has ever given us, and still it can the same weapons which can destroy us if we don’t take advantage of it. if you take off time and think about yourself as the best version that you would like to be, what you can give instead of getting, think from the higher point of yourself and not from your weaker version of yourself. The things that you have always wanted to do at home but only never had time. then go for it, don’t just wish if can do it. I grant you thats one of the best things you can ever do for yourself in such crisis, And you have control over it no matter your story. Only if we learn how to take of advantage of the situation instead rather that moping over it, thats the only we can come out of this strong and it can impact your life tremendously .just try to take off and master how you operate mostly in times of criss and this can help you reveal a lot about yourself also especially with in this period whereby you have  to learn how patient with yourself and everything in your life and  2020 can still count as one of the most significant year in your life.

personally, I have taken off time to do things that I have always wanted to do like writing, working out and hit my body goals, having peace of mind as much as I can, improving my relationship with my loved ones, mastering myself by taking charge of my day so that I don’t  live passively.

Thank you if have read until this far, you can share, comment , if this talks to you or your friend,  and you can even give suggestions on what you think should be done in any kind of crisis.

stay safe and blessed.


Mbentyo Baker


what have you gained from this corona pandemic crisis?

As we all know this is trying and challenging time for all of us, and a lot of horrible and terrifying stories out there that have not been told, but I hope and pray that we come out of this situation strong than ever before. Domestic violence, deaths, family break ups, depression name it, have been encountered in people’s lives.

However I think this is not totally a new kind of situation that has happened to us. oftentimes, we face at least one or more of such situation in our daily lives that are challenging, trying whereby we either come out of the situation strong than ever before or it breaks us into pieces, makes vulnerable or even lose control of over our lives.

And this time around, thats why I would like us navigate what we can gain from any kind of crisis most especially this pandemic covid_19? yeah you are right, there are a lot of things that we don’t have access to with this whole lock down thing and we have no control over it and most of us think there’s nothing that can come out from such situation the way most of us think when faced with challenging situation. But however the good news is there are a lot of things we can gain from this situation. firstly,hey are that we can to get rid of which most of the times they hinder us from gaining the best out of our lives. one , we may not gain necessarily as for the material things but we learn things that we translate or relate to after this pandemic. for example, the things we can loose or do and instead come out of this crisis as strong than never before. one we can loose, Anger, Anxiety, depression, insecurity, Fear the things that we are overwhelmed with during this period and we can entirely take control over them. The brain is the greatest weapon that God has ever given us, and still it can the same weapons which can destroy us if we don’t take advantage of it. if you take off time and think about yourself as the best version that you would like to be, what you can give instead of getting, think from the higher point of yourself and not from your weaker version of yourself. The things that you have always wanted to do at home but only never had time. then go for it, don’t just wish if can do it. I grant you thats one of the best things you can ever do for yourself in such crisis, And you have control over it no matter your story. Only if we learn how to take of advantage of the situation instead rather that moping over it, thats the only we can come out of this strong and it can impact your life tremendously .just try to take off and master how you operate mostly in times of criss and this can help you reveal a lot about yourself also especially with in this period whereby you have to learn how patient with yourself and everything in your life and 2020 can still count as one of the most significant year in your life.

personally, I have taken off time to do things that I have always wanted to do like writing, working out and hit my body goals, having peace of mind as much as I can, improving my relationship with my loved ones, mastering myself by taking charge of my day so that I don’t live passively.

Thank you if have read until this far, you can share, comment , if this talks to you or your friend, and you can even give suggestions on what you think should be done in any kind of crisis.

stay safe and blessed.


Mbentyo Baker